Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Losing this Gut! Arrghhhh

A great relationship can be a blessing and a curse. Your outings transform from frequent club-hopping to poetry venues and movies. You slow down running all over the city and running home to your significant other.

Unfortunately, those nights of good loving and cuddling resulted to me gaining 30 pounds and I be damn if I carry that to the altar. I am not going to have a booty-do gut or flabby arms, or triple chin mess up my swagger! And I am not going to starve myself only to blow back up the day after nuptials.

For the last two weeks I have been working out and working on my diet. Losing weight ain't fast and somewhat painless like when I was in my 20s. A sister gotta sweat hard to lose this cellulite. My hormones are going crazy since I have hit my mid-30s. My breasts have gotten totally outta control.

My goal:
Lose 40 pounds
Drop 6 dress sizes
Strengthen my womb
Flat abs
Totally toned body
More flexibili
and compete in at least 1 triathlon

Seems like much, but it honestly was just yesterday I was running 4 miles barefoot on a Los Angeles beach. I know I can do it and I will...but I am very honest with myself. I needed help.

I have called on my sister-friend who is a natural leaving guru and has an master's degree in naturapathic healing. I called on my sister-friend in the ATL who specializes in colon cleansing.

First thing first, little to no dairy, more water, more movement, more rest, and lots of self-pampering.

Okay, I got 7 months. Let's do this shit!

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